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About Us

Big Bang Startup Challenge is organized by İTÜ Çekirdek, which was established by İTÜ ARI Teknokent to support technology startups and selected as the “World’s Best University Incubation Center” by UBI Global. The Big Bang Startup Challenge brings startups together with the business and investment world. In this way, entrepreneurs become the focus of investors and funds and meet potential customers by meeting with their initial capital.


Entrepreneur groups on the stage

1.28B TL

Award and Investment at the amount


Participant in Physical




The start-ups that pass the post-“Entrepreneurship Training” jury continue to benefit from training, seminar, consultancy and mentoring services in order to commercialize their projects at this stage and may be entitled to use the R&D fund allocated in order to develop their prototypes. During the course of this process, they continue to receive support from Çekirdek mentors and trainers on first customer meetings, sales processes and investment processes and benefit from special training and consultancies within this scope.


Entrepreneur groups accepted to ITU Çekirdek receive up to 150 hours Core MBA training from entrepreneurship to business plan writing, marketing to finance; It describes the period in which mentors benefited from their experience and developed their own projects.

Big Bang

ITU Çekirdek Big Bang Startup Challenge is an organisation that brings together entrepreneurs and investors, where entrepreneurial groups present on stage to access a total prize, cash and investment pool of 1.28 billion TL. It also provides an environment where entrepreneurs can access press, stakeholders, networking opportunities, investors and potential customers.


The entrepreneur groups that prove to be successful and establish companies at the end of BigBang in ITU Çekirdek continue to develop their start-ups by benefiting from the facilities of “ITU Çekirdek Growth” for 1 year. The entrepreneurs that attain the right to show ITU Çekirdek as company address have the privilege to be a ITU ARI Teknokent company and use all the monetary and non-monetary facilities brought about by this privilege.